All Saints' Marseille with Aix-en-Provence
and the Luberon
All Saints'
4, rue de Belloi, 13006 Marseille

From the Vieux Port: facing the sea, turn left along Place J. Ballard, which leads into rue Breteuil, go up rue Breteuil, and you come to the wide Cours Pierre Puget. Then continue along rue Breteuil, and rue de Belloi is the 3rd turning on the left after Cours Puget.
By the metro take the metro to the station Estrangin - Préfecture. As you come out, on the right is a short alley-way, which you take, then turn immediately left into rue Stanislas Torrents, and rue de Belloi is the 2nd street on the right.

Eglise Protestante Unie, 4 rue Villars, 13100

Eglise du Sacré Cœur, 94 Rue de l'Église, 84580

Eglise Protestante Unie, Rue du Temple, 04100